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thought leadership

article writing

Peter’s approach to writing reflects his approach to investing, namely, to be numbers driven. He interrogates data looking for patterns in a sea of noise. Patterns are the basis for making a prediction: a price or other time series moving randomly i.e. without pattern, for example a roulette wheel or molecule in a gas, cannot be predicted, and doing so would be foolish. Many views, however, that get expressed in published articles are the equivalent of exactly this. While this is unlikely to ever change, you can at least avoid falling into the trap of writing nonsense.


To see examples of Peter’s writing, please visit his investment blog, Chimp Investor. He can write on a wide variety of topics, investment-related and otherwise. If you would like to use Peter as an investment writer, please click here.

more extensive writing

Documenting your beliefs about investing in a book or other substantial document can be an effective way to engage with clients and the reading public more broadly. Given his experience in investing as well as writing, Peter is able to offer ghost writing services, though this would clearly be a more substantial project.


Peter has a great deal of speaking experience on a wide range of topics, to audiences large and small. His approach to speaking is that it is essential to engage the audience. Sounds simple…

strategic planning

Given his experience both in investing and in investment marketing, Peter would work with your marketing department to refine its strategic approach with respect to conveying investment ideas and information to the outside world, whether clients or the media.

spokesperson services

Looking for a spokesperson? Or perhaps your spokesperson would like some help? Peter has strong experience in this area, having been a spokesperson for two fund management companies, one large, one small. The media will always want to publish or air what you have to say if it is interesting and presented in an engaging way. Often, just one fascinating statistic or fact is all that is required.

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